L’illustratrice francese Ëlodie Nadreau si è specializza in disegni nel campo della moda e del ritratto. Le sue opere dai colori tenui e dal gusto giovane e raffinato, sono disegnate interamente a mano e poi “digitalmente arrichite”. Potete trovare i suoi lavori, oltre che su riviste internazionali come Cosmopolitan Francia, La Marelle e So’Chic, anche sul suo portfolio personale e sulla sua pagina in Behance.
Creative and Catchy Use of Animals in Logo Design
Its very trendy these days in logo design. I am talking about the use of animals and other insects in logo designing. Big companies like Mozilla and O’Reilly are also doing the same. Animals illustrations and vector animal characters are making these logos very attractive and fun to look at. Rather than companies related to animals and animals products, design houses and companies of every kind are inspired by this trend and continuously using animals and other wild life objects in there logo and brand design. So lets gather some inspiration with these great logo designs inspired by animals.