Stapler + Stamp = Stampler

Stam­pler was designed by Phil Jones in part­ner­ship with the com­pany suckuk. It looks and works like a nor­mal sta­pler – but has an added attach­ment that prints a smil­ing face design at the same time.
199 Stapler + Stamp = Stampler


fivestar2 IT IS MY LIFE
por willian sanfer

The White Tiger by Craig Tracy

The White Tiger by Craig Tracy

The White Tiger by Craig Tracy
The White Tiger (body painting) by Craig Tracy.

Interventional Streetart von Spy aus Madrid

Coat Check Chair by Joey Zeledón

The Coat Check Chair by Joey Zeledón is still a concept, but I think this is one chair worth being made. It takes plastic hangers and puts them over a steel tubular frame to create a seat.

Smirnoff Caipiroska Peelable Bottle

Designed by JWT, Brasil

Art Direction:
Christian Faria
Ricardo Kawano
Vinicius Montana
Copy Writer: Marlon Zanatti